Welcome to My Blog
MIPspace blocking my newsletter
Welp, it looks like MIPspace has angered another person - me! Yup, apparently MIPspace likes to add newsletters and legitimate emails to their "block" list, and many folks out there who signed up for my newsletter are not receiving it because of them. What is...
First response to Scientific American’s January 2009 propaganda piece…
I'm compiling a response to the January 2009 Scientific American propaganda piece on evolution. The first 2-1/2 segments are on line, more to come - check'em out: http://ianjuby.org/jan2009sciam.html http://ianjuby.org/jan2009sciam2.html...
Brand-spankin new online christian talk show
A fine young man from Mini-soda has started up an excellent christian talk radio station on line; he'll be having podcasts regularly and after hearing the first one (still a work in progress) it's excellent. I recommend it. Sagadii radio: http://sagadiiradio.com...
Dec 2 creation/evolution newsletter
This is the "When I get a round tooit" Creation/Evolution newsletter from Ian Juby and the traveling Creation Science Museum of Canada. If you do not see a header image above this text, you may have to turn on images in your email program. This newsletter uses HTML...
October 14th newsletter & blog
In this newsletter: 1) On the road again... 2) Dinosaurs, nuclear missile codes and politics 3) Corrections from the last newsletter 4) Redundant RATE rebuttal 5) Must-attend conference in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan 6) Expose on the teachings of Dr. Denis O. Lamoreux 7)...
Really cool creation blog
My good friend Jon Bartlett has been maintaining a very active creation blog for quite some time now. Just thought I'd recommend it to y'all; I'll be referencing it in the future. http://www.bartlettpublishing.com/site/bartpub/blog/1 Ian
Sept 24, 2008 Creation/Evolution newsletter
In this newsletter: 1) Something fishy with fish fingers 2) The bankruptcy of homology 3) Website pick: Physicians and Surgeons for Scientific Enquiry 4) Niagara Falls creation tour 5) Answer to the last contest question...
CSMC September 17 Creation/Evolution Newsletter with Ian Juby
In this newsletter: 1) Not enough water for Noah's flood? 2) Blog, newsletters & webpage updates 3) "In 7 Days" crash course in Creation 4) A heck of a lot of apologies to Darwin 5) British scientist discovers...open, flagrant bigotry towards creation (OUCH!) 6)...
New stuff with the website
Alrighty then! Thanks for visitating the website - lots of new stuff here now. It's 12:30 in the morning on Wednesday, and I just finished adding the "In 7 Days" crash course in creation. This is a completely free, seven-part online course which is intended to be an...
Sept 13 updates
Welcome to the blog & newsletter archives! Several of the past newsletters have now been archived, as well as a couple of rants. The website is still in the midst of a massive overhaul, so please be patient. In the meantime, there was recently some rants on...
Sept 9, 2008 Newsletter
In this newsletter: 1) Creation/Evolution literature database 2) Dr. Joseph Mastropaolo challenges legality of teaching evolution in U.S. schools 3) "In the Minds of Men" - new edition 4) French article on design / webpage of the week 5) Youtube pick of the week: The...
August 8, 2008: Insanely long newsletter
In this insanely long and meaty newsletter: 1) Change in tour schedule: Ontario or bust 2) Scientists choke on T-rex meat 3) Email questions from a nuclear physicist regarding the age of the earth 4) Angus-Reid Poll shows majority of Canadians believe in Evolution -...
August 8, 2008: Garland Juby 1948-2008
Garland Juby 1948-2008 Sadly, my Dad passed away on July 18. While he had been sick for a year and a half, it was still a rather sudden and somewhat unexpected death. I couldn't possibly begin to list the many things he taught me, and obviously, being my Dad, he had...
August 16, 2008 Delk track video, Creation kids website, etc…
In this (greatly shortened) newsletter: 1) Delk track video & webpages 2) Creation Kid website 3) Major website overhaul 4) Featured website 5) Pre-ordering of "Complete Creation" DVD sets *************************************************************** 1) Delk...
July 16 Follow-up newsletter
Hi everyone, My apologies for sending out another email so soon, but I missed a major item in the newsletter, and after getting a lot of questions about the Delk track, I thought I would write a brief clarification. ************************************************ My...
July 11, 2008: Delk track, Tennessee polystrate, Mt.St. Helens, “Complete Creation”
********************************************************************* In this issue: 1) Greetings 2) New fossil human & dinosaur footprint 3) Tennessee polystrate fossil display at Creation Evidence Museum 4) Mt. St. Helens display at the Akron Fossils and Science...
June 20, 2008: Updates
Greetings all, I'm currently on the road installing displays at three different museums (more on this later). Later on this week I will send out a second email with science notes and commentary (my apologies to those who felt overwhelmed by my many emails), but I know...
April 18, 2008 Video response on Youtube
Recently, I've been railed on with all kinds of false accusations on Youtube, for which I finally felt the need to respond with a video. ttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y0oPx5eNoRI In it I document more thoroughly the Tapeats footprints I mentioned in passing in...
April 10, 2008: Childrens video on line (Complete Creation)
Hi Everyone, You may recall that I was re-shooting the "Complete Creation" video series (which is still #26 most discussed video on youtube of ALL TIME!). Welp, I just got the children's video edited, and I just got it uploaded to youtube. This was the first night in...
Jan 15, 2008 Dino eggs: New Display in the museum
Greetings all, There are three new displays in my traveling museum, which I just added to the "Virtual Museum" on my website. These are dinosaur egg "nests", which are used as a common argument by anti-creationists to debunk the global flood of Noah. In this very...