In this (greatly shortened) newsletter:
1) Delk track video & webpages
2) Creation Kid website
3) Major website overhaul
4) Featured website
5) Pre-ordering of “Complete Creation” DVD sets

1) Delk Track video & webpages

Okay – after many, many questions about the CT scans, etc… I finally finished and posted a video
explaining the Delk track, and in particular, the CAT scans that were performed on it. This was the slab of rock with the human and dinosaur track in it that I’ve been talking about in the past two newsletters. Furthermore, in an attempt to keep a reference page on the slab, David Lines and myself have each assembled a web page where we answer the skeptical detractions and common questions.

The video is on Youtube (along with a whole raft of comments – watch out, there may be swearing in the comments):

Within 48 hours after posting, it was already up for 17 Youtube honours, and several of those honours were in the monthly standings; i.e., it had already hit the top 100 of the most watch/rated/viewed/favourited videos on youtube for the month after only being on line for two days!

The webpages are: (Creation Evidence Museum, which owns the slab) (David Lines’ website on the delk track) (My page on the delk, which includes FAQ, and the youtube video.)

Please spread the word around, and if you watch the video – please – Rate it, comment, add it to your favourites, share it with your friends. All of this helps to get the word out. Youtube accounts are completely free and allow you to do all of these things. It’s great fun.


2) Creation Kids website

CORE Ottawa is very proud to announce the making of a new creation website just for children. Assembled by the tireless Ian Murray, it is a fun and fact-filled frolic through cyberspace. It’s great for the whole family, and he’ll be adding to it continually:

(notice no “s” after “kid”)

3) Major website overhaul

Welp, since going into full-time creation ministry three years ago, I’ve since had no time to do anything with my website! So it’s getting a massive overhaul and facelift. The entrance page will have a VLOG (Video BLOG) which I will update regularly as well as the “news” section on the front page. These newsletters (which so many people have expressed appreciation for – thank you) will be archived, and now have their own home – so when you think of that article you read about, you can go and find it again. I felt really bad that there was so many visits per day, and yet nothing ever changed because I simply didn’t have the time, and the website was too complicated to easily add content so that volunteers could help me to update it. Ian Murray has very kindly offered to help me add content, so once the overhaul is complete, hopefully that will mean that content will be added regularly.

Please do visit the website, but expect lots of dead links, misplaced text and images, etc… Later on I’ll seek help from visitors to notify me of website problems, but for the moment – there’s just gonna be a lot of problems!

4) Featured website

The website pick for this newsletter is none other than our brother down under, John Mackay. John has debated evolutionists dozens of times and (to the best of my knowledge) has won every single one of those debates – which sometimes wasn’t against a university professor, but against theologians!

The main website is

And one of the highlights is their new, on-line museum:

5) Pre-ordering of “Complete Creation” DVD sets

Okay, I was actually trying to avoid doing this, but I know there are several people out there who want to get the “Complete Creation” video series to use in their Sunday School classes starting September. Well, unfortunately September is rolling around mighty quick, and in order to get everyone some DVD’s to start with, yet still let everyone have the same deal for the whole set, here’s what I’m going to do.

There is a “Pre-order” button at the top of the Genesis Week website for the entire set. There is going to be 12 DVD’s in the set (which includes “God’s little creation”), and currently there are five DVD’s mastered and available. I can ship these out immediately (depending stock depletions, etc…), which will tide people over until the other DVD’s are mastered. I will ship the rest of the DVD’s out in batches as they are mastered and produced. I will pay the extra shipping charges that will be incurred from the multiple package shipping so those of you who were waiting to buy the set can still get it for the same price.

You can pre-order the sets at: