May 12, 2012 CrEvo News with Ian Juby and CORE Ottawa


Welcome to all of the new subscribers!

This is the “When I get a round tooit” Creation/Evolution newsletter from Ian Juby and CORE Ottawa

If you do not see a header image above this text, you may have to turn on images in your email program, or you can click here to view it in your browser (

If you’re really confused as to why on earth you’re getting this newsletter, you may have forgotten you signed up for it at one of Ian’s lectures, or you got it due to an error in the cyberspace post office, or a friend forwarded it to you, or some other reason that isn’t my fault. See removal instructions at the bottom of the newsletter.
In this special report newsletter showing first-hand research:

1) Creation Exhibition in Nova Scotia & Cornwall, Ontario

2) Now the Dinosaurs killed themselves! ….by farting too much…
3) Special report #2: The strange fossil footprints of Horton Bluff, Nova Scotia

4) Upcoming events


1) Creation Exhibition in Nova Scotia & Cornwall, Ontario

After a week on special exhbition in Cole Harbour Place, I had soooo many requests to either stick around for another week, or come back. We aims to please! The kind folks over at Eastern Passage Baptist Church offered their facilities to set up the museum again for another week.

The church is at the corner of Caldwell and Cow Bay road, and we’ll be open from Monday, May 14th thru Saturday, May 19th:

Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday: Noon till 9pm

Tuesday: 10 am till 6 pm

Saturday: 9 am till 5pm

Admission is $4/adults, $3 for students and seniors, $2 for kids under 10 and $12/family. Group rates are $2/ person for groups of 10 or over and if you book in advance, you can get a guided tour.

Cornwall, Ontario, June 23rd thru 30th – Grand Opening of Creation Science Center!
Creation Exhibition will be set up as a special exhibition with the grand opening of the new Creation Museum in Cornwall, the Creation Science Center. Hours TBA, admission: Free on Saturday the 23rd! That’s right, free admission to celebrate the grand opening! (there may be an admission cost throughout the week – details to be announced)
The Creation Science Center is housed in the east wing of the Cornwall Wesleyen Church at 780 Sydney Street.

October 6, 2011 CrEvo Newsletter

October 6, 2011 CrEvo Newsletter


Welcome to all of the new subscribers!

This is the “When I get a round tooit” Creation/Evolution newsletter from Ian Juby and CORE Ottawa

In this newsletter:

1) Latest research: East Coast Planation surfaces – powerful evidence of Noah’s flood

2) A whooole mess o’ new rants, and a new youtube show!
3) New CrEvo Rants DVD

4) Persuaded by the evidence – part 1 released!

5) Vance Nelson responds to critique of dinosaur petroglyph

6) Interesting new video: “The elusive identity of Leviathan”

7) Flood science review – finished!!!

1) Latest research: East Coast Planation surfaces – powerful evidence of Noah’s flood

So I’ve had the privilege of heading over to Newfoundland multiple times in the past two years. Last fall, the Habermehl family was hosting me in Halifax and we went to the Halifax museum of natural history. The children wanted to head downstairs, and I’m so glad they did. When we got down there, there was a poster on the wall which was an aerial photo of the Cape Breton Highlands, which I’ve visited multiple times. What I hadn’t noticed during my visits there was that the tops of the mountains are planed off flat. (see picture right)

This is what geologists call a planation surface, and they are found literally all over the world. One example is found on the Alberta/Saskatchewan border in Cypress Hills Provincial park. The fun part about that planation surface is that it is covered in rounded rocks called quartzite, which is incredibly tough. The rocks originally came from 800 kms away in Idaho, and were transported to Alberta in deep water moving at least 110 (70 mph)! I discuss this in detail in part 4 of “The Complete Creation” video series, available for viewing for free:

In fact, the speed of the water which transported these rocks to Cypress Hills is significant in the interpretation and understanding planation surfaces, including the one found at the Joggins fossil cliffs in Nova Scotia. you’ll notice that the top of the cliff has been planed flat – dramatically so in fact. As my one geologist friend said when he saw the pictures: “Look at that! You could lay a ruler on it!”

Joggins Fossil Cliffs, Nova Scotia, Canada (Notice people on the beach for scale)


The Joggins cliffs make for an excellent teaching example of what planation surfaces are, and why we know what we do. Please note that the rock layers are tilted to the south (to the right in the photo above), typically about a 22 degree angle, and the top of the cliff was planed off flat. The gravels and sand on top were probably brought in by glaciers after the planation surface was made, or they could be leftovers from the flow that cut the layers off.

Jan 30, 2011 CrEvo newsletter with Ian Juby and CORE Ottawa

Jan 30, 2011 CrEvo newsletter with Ian Juby and CORE Ottawa

Welcome to all of the new subscribers!
This is the “When I get a round tooit” Creation/Evolution newsletter from Ian Juby and CORE Ottawa

In this newsletter:
1) Random stuff I didn’t know where else to put
2) New Video: Beneficial mutations & information
3) Cretaceous Hammer Time! (The London artifact, a fossil hammer)
4) Vacation Bible School


1) Random stuff I didn’t know where else to put

It’s been a wild time.  Please pray for me, as the Lord kindly gifted me in many ways….but organization was not one of them!  Here are some random updates on various projects I’m working on:

“Persuaded by the evidence”
For a variety of reasons, this movie is now about five months behind schedule, but lots of progress has been made in the past couple of weeks. I had to re-shoot the opener 11 times already. It really should be re-shot again, but I’m not going to, I’ll work with what I have.  I hope to have the video released within the month, please pray for the project.

Portable Creation Museum`
With the sponsorship from Zign Creations (who just had their software featured for the fourth time in 3D world magazine!), I was able to purchase all the steel and almost all of the hydraulics needed for the lift legs.  The legs will look like what is seen below.  Construction of the prototype leg has started, but was put to the side while I try desperately to get “Persuaded by the evidence” finished.  The steel turned out to be attrociously more expensive than I’d originally planned, but I’m very happy with the design.
The legs extend hydraulically, lifting the container off the ground as shown. The truck drives underneath, container is lowered onto the truck and hauled off to the next destination.

CrEvo Rant #110: “Natural selection gets pwned”
Working on several rants at the present, but this is my favourite.  Hope to have it done soon, but am awaiting artwork.  The premise dealt with is the erroneous claim that natural selection is the “guiding force” behind evolution.  So of course, with a subject like natural selection – laughs abound. I’ve been hacking at it on the side, with “Persuaded” being the primary job right now.

Scene right is the two scientists in the labs of Cold Fusion Solutions.  Hint: They get pwned.  🙂

The Flood movie
As y’all know, I’ve a part of the technical review team for a Hollywood production on Noah’s Flood.  We, the technical review team, have been debating the science behind the film and its premise for over a year now, and we’re just finishing up those deliberations. The last round alone had about 250 pages of reading, so it’s a lot of work.  Please pray for all of us as the producers figure out what the next steps in the process will be. The results of the technical review panel will be published in an e-book later on this year.

Rock Solid Answers
As some of you will recall, I had the privilege of authoring a chapter in the book “Rock Solid Answers: The Biblical Truth Behind 14 Geological Questions,” edited by Mike Oard and John Reed.  This is a fantastic book I’d highly recommend.  And no, I do not get a single penny from the sale of that book, it’s just an excellent book.  Mike and John wanted to put together a book answering the common claims of old-earth, anti-creation advocates.  Rock Solid Answers was the result.  Geared for the layman, it is technical (it needs to be) but readable.
The chapter I wrote was on the polystrate fossils of Joggins, Nova Scotia. These fossils have been used since the beginning of the old-earth movement to convince people that the earth is millions of years old. In actual fact, the fossil cliffs provide powerful evidence for Noah’s flood, and refute the ideas of deep time.  This chapter, Chapter 13, is now available on line for free reading here:

If you’re reading this, then it must mean I managed to get a newsletter finished and sent off.  🙂


2) New Video: Beneficial mutations & information

I have NO idea why – but it seems the past couple of months, I have been inundated with questions about mutations, information in the genetic code, etc… That subject seems to be the rage lately.
I got an email from one skeptic, pointing to a video on youtube by user “AronRa” entitled the “8th Foundational Falsehood of Creationism: Mutations are rare, harmful decreases in genetic information.”

It turns out that AronRa has been posting the claims he made in this video allll over the internet, and his video was quite a big hit on youtube.  His video was an impressive sounding string of anti-creation, pro-evolution arguments, but was actually a compilation of glaring errors!  So I put together a video response.  Within three days of posting the video, it had garnered over 300 comments, 2,000 views, and youtube emailing me suggesting I apply for the affiliate program!

In typical response, the atheists systematically ganged up on my video to vote it down and leave nasty comments….not realizing that in so doing, they actually promote the video.  <big ‘ol grin> (more…)

December 1 CrEvo news

December 1 CrEvo news

Welcome to all of the new subscribers!
This is the “When I get a round tooit” Creation/Evolution newsletter from Ian Juby and the traveling Creation Science Museum of Canada.

If you do not see a header image above this text, you may have to turn on images in your email program, or you can click here to view it in your browser.

In this newsletter:
1) Ross’s claims on paluxy tracks and polystrate fossils
2) Doug’s excellent question
3) Save big on coffee-cup coasters for your atheist friends – a great X-mas gift!
4) Clearly the Bible is wrong…
5) Quick update on the creation museum project


1) Ross’s claims on paluxy tracks and polystrate fossils.

Had a reader write in, asking about a video circulating on the internet.  The video is by “progressive creationist” (read: theistic evolutionist with a fancy new name) Hugh Ross, and was a segment of the Q&A session on one of his videos.
Now, I gotta be honest with yas here: Much as I would like to be respectful, it is exceedingly difficult in this case.  If I may make an analogy, it’s like trying to respectfully disagree with someone who claimed that a bunny rabbit ate a moose whole.  How do you refute such a person without using the words that come to mind? Y’know – words like “lunatic,” “out of his tree,” and “you gotta be joking!”
Such is the case with Ross’s claims in this video segment, which you can watch on their website so you can hear it straight from the horse’s mouth:
or on youtube:

The Paluxy Tracks:
Ross starts off by addressing the fossil human footprints found amongst dinosaur tracks in the Paluxy riverbed, Glen Rose, Texas.  Of course, this happens to be one of my areas of expertise.  Now in defense of Ross, he simply repeated the mantra that has been running around the internet, the “research” of Glen Kuban.  You’ll see shortly why I have “research” in quotes.


July 11, 2008: Delk track, Tennessee polystrate, Mt.St. Helens, “Complete Creation”

In this issue:
1) Greetings
2) New fossil human & dinosaur footprint
3) Tennessee polystrate fossil display at Creation Evidence Museum
4) Mt. St. Helens display at the Akron Fossils and Science Center
5) “Complete Creation” video series

Greetings all,

I normally only send out these newsletters in text-only format, for the sake
of those whose email systems only recognize text. However, I wanted to
include some photos with this newsletter, as a few of the items are of
tremendous importance, and I wanted you to see the evidence first hand.