CSMC September 17 Creation/Evolution Newsletter with Ian Juby

In this newsletter:
1) Not enough water for Noah’s flood?
2) Blog, newsletters & webpage updates
3) “In 7 Days” crash course in Creation
4) A heck of a lot of apologies to Darwin
5) British scientist discovers…open, flagrant bigotry towards creation (OUCH!)
6) Upcoming lectures
7) “Complete Creation” additions and updates (oops!)
8) FIVE copies of “Reasons to affirm…” booklet

1)  Not enough water for Noah’s flood?

I have repeatedly heard skeptics claim that there’s not enough water on earth to flood the whole planet (Just do a google search for “not enough water to flood earth”).  I thought that I would take a quick look at this humerous argument for this week’s newsletter.

New stuff with the website

Alrighty then!  Thanks for visitating the website – lots of new stuff here now.

It’s 12:30 in the morning on Wednesday, and I just finished adding the “In 7 Days” crash course in creation.  This is a completely free, seven-part online course which is intended to be an introduction to the evidence and philosphies of the Creation/Evolution debate.

You can sign up on the main page, or, for your convenience, (more…)

Sept 9, 2008 Newsletter

Sept 9, 2008 Newsletter

In this newsletter:
1) Creation/Evolution literature database
2) Dr. Joseph Mastropaolo challenges legality of teaching evolution in U.S. schools
3) “In the Minds of Men” – new edition
4) French article on design / webpage of the week
5) Youtube pick of the week: The Dawkins Delusion
6) More failed attempts to discredit the “Delk track”
7) “Complete Creation” Video series
8) Answer to the contest: Archeoraptor & the “feathered dinosaurs”

August 8, 2008: Insanely long newsletter

August 8, 2008: Insanely long newsletter

In this insanely long and meaty newsletter:

1) Change in tour schedule: Ontario or bust
2) Scientists choke on T-rex meat
3) Email questions from a nuclear physicist regarding the age of the earth
4) Angus-Reid Poll shows majority of Canadians believe in Evolution – BUT….. (If you’re Canadian, you need to read this!)
5) New Scientist promotes old anti-creation article
6) Anti-creationists step on toes of “Delk track”
7) Way Overdue contest
8) Recommended website
9) Complete Creation video series updates


August 8, 2008: Garland Juby 1948-2008

Garland & Patricia Juby

Garland & Patricia Juby

Garland Juby 1948-2008

Sadly, my Dad passed away on July 18.  While he had been sick for a year and a half, it was still a rather sudden and somewhat unexpected death.
I couldn’t possibly begin to list the many things he taught me, and obviously, being my Dad, he had a profound impact on my life.  My mother has been faithful to the end, and sat by his side throughout the last year and a half, including all 76 days my Dad was in ICU.  The Lord had me home when my Dad passed away, and so I will be staying close to home for the next couple of months.

Death is part of the curse that Christ came and died for – death will be the final enemy that’s defeated (Revelation 20:14, 21, 4).  As my good friend Carl Baugh likes to say, we do not say “Goodbye,”  only “See you later.”

Many thanks to the kind folks at the Ottawa Civic hospital (especially ICU), and the kind folks at the Deep River Hospital, who worked so hard for so long.

August 16, 2008 Delk track video, Creation kids website, etc…

August 16, 2008 Delk track video, Creation kids website, etc…

In this (greatly shortened) newsletter:
1) Delk track video & webpages
2) Creation Kid website
3) Major website overhaul
4) Featured website
5) Pre-ordering of “Complete Creation” DVD sets

1) Delk Track video & webpages

Okay – after many, many questions about the CT scans, etc… I finally finished and posted a video