Ian's Blog and Newsletters

This is the “When I get a round tooit” Creation/Evolution newsletter from Ian Juby and CORE Ottawa

Neanderthal in Chain Mail Armour?

It has been brought to my attention that Mike Arehart in Idaho was the individual who found this original manuscript that so many have looked for for so long. Mike, I know I say "Thanks!" for a LOT of people - I've been very surprised by the interest this article has...

A study of The cliffs of Joggins – Part III

Part III: Interaction of strata and fossils It is important to note that in more than one instance, the polystrate plant fossils not only cut through multiple layers of strata but also layers which are further cross-cut by other fossils. In this example you can see...

A study of The cliffs of Joggins – Part II

Part II: The trunks Over the past three years I have documented upwards of around 40 trunks in total. As previously mentioned, it was often difficult to see large trunks literally five feet in front of you. I spotted probably around another five "artifacts" which were...

A study of The cliffs of Joggins – Part I

A study of The cliffs of Joggins, Nova Scotia. The cliffs of Joggins, Nova Scotia, Canada have become quite famous in Creation/Evolution circles. Besides being a fantastic fossil site, they have attracted interest by their polystrate "trees". These trees are actually...

Giantism in the fossil record: Part II

I'll finish up from the last article with a few more giants from the past (the ones that wouldn't fit on the last chart!). Once again, down in the bottom left hand corner is a man standing roughly 6 feet tall for scale. Since he is no longer good enough to provide...

Giantism in the fossil record: Part I

I'd like to begin a study on the amazing fossil and frozen records. Both these records provide baffling mysteries for both the Evolutionists and the Creationists. They tell a fascinating story of climatic and atmospheric changes in our earth's past of mind-boggling...