by Ian Juby | Mar 1, 2013 | Creation Science Newsletter
Researchers at the SETI project STILL haven’t found any intelligence, pigeons vindicate Darwin and Natural Selection gets pwned in a rant – this, is Genesis Week.
Welcome! To this episode of Genesis Week, the weekly program of creationary commentary on news, views and events pertaining to the origins controversy, made possible by the supporters of CORE Ottawa, Citizens for Origins Research and Education, and now carried on the Christianima network – – Christian cinema at its finest. Excellence in pirate broadcasting, we snuck in to the abandoned Buffalo central train station and set up our studio to continue to bring you the information the anticreationists don’t want you to see or hear, and giving glory to our Creator while doing it. The Bible does not say “Be ye transformed by the removal of your mind,” rather we here at Genesis Week believe your brain was intelligently designed, and God wants you to use it. Remember if you get lost in cyberspace, you can just punch in or and you can find us, and also subscribe to our youtube channel to get extras like CrEvo rants and full interviews with our guests. I’m your host, Ian Juby
The SETI project released a report on of some specific research. For those not familiar, the SETI project is the Search for Extra Terrestrial Intelligence.
Basically, they’re looking for radio signals coming in from outer space which could be from intelligent alien life on other planets. (more…)
by Ian Juby | Feb 16, 2013 | Creation Science Newsletter
Sorry I’ve been so behind in updating the blog with shows. Here’s episode 23.
Our Solar System defies natural explanation, yet Creation fits the facts! We’re going to explore this topic on this edition of Genesis Week.
Welcome! To this episode of Genesis Week, the weekly program of creationary commentary on news, views and events pertaining to the origins controversy, made possible by the supporters of CORE Ottawa, Citizens for Origins Research and Education, and now carried on the Christianima network – – Christian cinema at its finest. Excellence in pirate broadcasting, we moved in to the abandoned Palace Theater to continue to bring you the information the anticreationists don’t want you to see or hear, and giving glory to our Creator while doing it. We here at Genesis Week believe your brain was intelligently designed, and God wants you to use it. Remember if you get lost in cyberspace, you can just punch in or and you can find us, and also subscribe to our youtube channel to get extras like CrEvo rants and full interviews with our guests. I’m your host, Ian Juby
For decades, multiple creationists have pointed out the insurmountable problems for stellar evolution and deep time caused by the need for a naturalistic origin of our solar system. There are numerous features within our solar system that defy all evolutionary models and even point to our solar system being young, instead of many billions of years old.
For example: Physicist Wayne Spencer had been pointing out the problems that Jupiter’s moon, Io, presents to deep time because of the ridiculous amount of heat the moon is pumping out. Obviously, an object can only put out heat for so long before it cools down, so therefore the moon cannot be billions of years old. Spencer had been pointing this out for decades, and published the math on it in his 2003 ICC paper you can read here: (more…)
by Ian Juby | Dec 7, 2012 | Creation Science Newsletter
And here’s the rant all by its lonesome:
Not only did we get a mailbag crammed full of questions about the age of the earth, our two lead stories are also on that subject: Giving an age to Grand Canyon, and Pat Robertson doesn’t understand the Biblical view of the age of the earth – nor dinosaurs, which we expound upon in a new rant! This is Genesis Week. (more…)
by Ian Juby | Nov 30, 2012 | Creation Science Newsletter
More evidence that life haMore evidence that life ha
RTB gives reasons not to believe the RATE results,
we address divergent/convergent/parallel/
preadaptive/reductive evolution with a new rant and
we beat a dead dinosaur as we dive into the mailbag
– this is Genesis Week.
And welcome to this episode of Genesis Week, the
weekly program of creationary commentary on
news, views and events pertaining to the origins
controversy, made possible by the supporters of
CORE Ottawa, Citizens for Origins Research and
Education, and now carried on the Christianima
network – – Christian cinema at its
finest. Bringing you the best in pirate broadcasting,
we set up in a random abandoned house in Uranium
City, where we are determined to bring you the
information the anticreationists don’t want you to
see or hear, and giving glory to our Creator while
doing it. We believe God gave you an intelligently
designed brain, and He expects you to use it –
especially during this show. Remember if you get
lost in cyberspace, you can just punch in or and you can
find us, and also subscribe to our youtube channel
to get extras like CrEvo rants and full interviews
with our guests. I’m your host, Ian Juby.
by Ian Juby | Nov 17, 2012 | Creation Science Newsletter
Aaand here’s this week of episode 10!