Sorry I’ve been so behind in updating the blog with shows. Here’s episode 23.
Our Solar System defies natural explanation, yet Creation fits the facts! We’re going to explore this topic on this edition of Genesis Week.
Welcome! To this episode of Genesis Week, the weekly program of creationary commentary on news, views and events pertaining to the origins controversy, made possible by the supporters of CORE Ottawa, Citizens for Origins Research and Education, and now carried on the Christianima network – – Christian cinema at its finest. Excellence in pirate broadcasting, we moved in to the abandoned Palace Theater to continue to bring you the information the anticreationists don’t want you to see or hear, and giving glory to our Creator while doing it. We here at Genesis Week believe your brain was intelligently designed, and God wants you to use it. Remember if you get lost in cyberspace, you can just punch in or and you can find us, and also subscribe to our youtube channel to get extras like CrEvo rants and full interviews with our guests. I’m your host, Ian Juby
For decades, multiple creationists have pointed out the insurmountable problems for stellar evolution and deep time caused by the need for a naturalistic origin of our solar system. There are numerous features within our solar system that defy all evolutionary models and even point to our solar system being young, instead of many billions of years old.
For example: Physicist Wayne Spencer had been pointing out the problems that Jupiter’s moon, Io, presents to deep time because of the ridiculous amount of heat the moon is pumping out. Obviously, an object can only put out heat for so long before it cools down, so therefore the moon cannot be billions of years old. Spencer had been pointing this out for decades, and published the math on it in his 2003 ICC paper you can read here:
Retired Sandia National Labs Physicist, Dr. Russell Humphreys, went a step farther than just pointing out the problems for evolutionary interpretations. Humphreys took one of the most powerful steps you can take in science: He made PREDICTIONS based on the Biblical creation model for planetary magnetic fields. Predictive power is one of the strongest tests of any scientific model. Evolutionary models made multiple predictions about planetary magnetic fields, so Humphreys asked the question, “If Creation were true, what would the evidence be?” He then proposed a model based upon Creation: If God created the planets, He could have created them with the original atoms having their nuclear spin axes pointing in the same direction. The many magnetic fields of the atoms lining up would be converted within seconds into a large electrical current within the planet, producing the electromagnetic field of the planet. The magnetic field would be strong at creation, and would weaken over time.
Based on this principle, and the assumption that the planets were all only 6,000 years old, Humphreys PREDICTED the magnetic fields of multiple planets which at the time had not yet been measured. He published his predictions in a 1984 Creation Research Society Quarterly paper. Since that time, five out of six of his predictions have been fulfilled, while five out of six predictions made by evolutionary theories have failed miserably. We will find out about the sixth prediction in 2015 when the New Horizons spacecraft finally visits Pluto.
Spike Psarris covered the problems that all the planets and moons in our solar system cause when you invoke deep time. In fact the problem is not the planets and moons, but rather men’s theories and assumptions of deep time that’s the problem. If you remove the ASSUMPTION of billions of years, and the ASSUMPTION of stellar evolution, there is no problem. These “problems” are a man-made artifact. An artifact of people rejecting the truth of Creation, and therefore having to concoct another explanation for planets, moons, our solar system, etc… Another explanation which simply will not work, for the simple reason that it’s not true. In Spike’s phenonemal and informative Volume I of “What you aren’t being told about astronomy,” Spike detailed the “problems” caused by Io, as well as Saturn’s rings, its moon Titan, and the topic that gets me hungry for Mexican food every time we talk about it: Enceladus.
No, it’s not a Mexican dish, it’s one of Saturn’s many moons.
Everything about Saturn’s rings scream that they are young: The lack of space dust on the rings, the braiding of the rings, the fact that over time the ice chunks would homogenize into one size, but yet they are all different sizes. Everything about the moons screams that they are young – Enceladus is spraying an incredible geyser of ice – hundreds of kilometers high! How on earth could it do this for millions and millions of years? Short answer, it cannot.
Titan has an atmosphere of methane, yet sunlight destroys that methane. So the methane simply cannot last for many millions of years – forget the BILLIONS of years of assumed evolutionary time required for the formation of these planets and moons.
Spike had been detailing these problems in lectures since the early 90’s, showing that these “problems” are only problems for the man-made theories invoking deep time. None of them cause problems for creation and a young earth – in fact, everything about the solar system smacks of it being YOUNG, not billions of years old. So these facts actually SUPPORT a young solar system, and the interpretation of Biblical creation.
David Coppedge had been citing the miriads of problems the planets and moons present for deep time and stellar evolutionary theories for decades – documenting them on his very popular website “Creation Evolution headlines” starting back in 2000. But of course, Coppedge had been pointing to short-lived solar system phenomena for many years before he started that website.
The long and short of the story is that for decades, Creationary scientists have been pointing out the many, many lines of evidence that the solar system is young, and cannot be explained by any natural processes. Evolutionary theory has failed in both predictions AND explanations for the solar system! While creationary models fit the facts just fine, and have even made successful PREDICTIONS to what we would find in the solar system. Just those facts alone should make any scientifically minded person sit up and ask questions and wonder if the solar system WAS created.
So now this past week an article came out on the Nature website entitled “Caught in the act,” written by Maggie McKee. The article acknowledges several of the very real problems evolutionary theory has in explaining various features found in our solar system.
Saturn’s rings provide multiple, baffling mysteries. Even in the nature article, McKee goes into detail about the problems with how YOUNG the rings appear to be – at most a few hundred million years. That’s the MAXIMUM age – a far, far cry from several BILLION years that was expected. The rings are clean – no space dust, which would accumulate and darken the rings over hundreds of millions of years.
Furthermore, there is no adequate natural explanation for the rings! Some speculate that it was perhaps a comet or comets that were trapped in orbit around Saturn – but this requires odds of ASTRONOMICAL proportions. Do you realize how hard it is to get something into orbit around a planet, and to maintain that orbit? Just ask NASA how difficult it is.
Do you remember Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9? The comet that WAS sucked into a brief orbit around Jupiter in 1994 – which promptly led to the disintegration of the comet, and the comet itself getting sucked into the planet, resulting in a spectacular explosion on Jupiter that was the size of earth itself. You don’t see comets getting captured in an orbit, you see them impacting planetary bodies.
How many of you remember the Mars Climate Orbiter? Ya – the one that crashed onto Mars due to a metric conversion error. The orbiter had to get to the planet at the precisely right location, speed and trajectory in order to get into an orbit. It didn’t make it because it was off just a hair, due a math error.
This gives you an idea of JUST HOW HARD it is to capture something in orbit – even with intelligence behind the wheel. It’s a very delicate balancing act, and we should be astonished when NASA does get it right, because it’s really, really hard to do.
So now, you have to multiply that balancing act by millions upon millions, as you have many millions of large ice bodies in perfectly balanced orbit around Saturn. Two rings in the “F” ring region are braided – they rotate around each other as they orbit the planet. You have two moons known as the “dancing moons” orbiting Saturn, one farther out than the other. Every four years, they switch places with the other in their orbits.
Everything about Saturn’s rings smacks of careful orchestration and YOUTH. Do you really think all this could continue on for millions and millions of years? No, the rings are just another piece of artwork in the solar system, with the rings themselves being the signature of the artist. The crowning glory of the beautiful planet.
McKee then talks about Enceladus and its huge, continual eruption of water from its south pole. Look at the size of it! You can quickly understand why so many scientists, including those who believe in deep time, have been astonished by this – there is NO WAY this geyser could continue like this for millions of years – it must be recent. Not only that, but Enceladus is also giving off a tremendous amount of heat – ten times what would be predicted if the heat was produced by radioactivity in its core and the moon being stretched and squeezed by the pull of gravity from Saturn. So where is all this heat coming from? One thing can be said: It can’t be giving off heat like that for millions and millions of years. So everything about Enceladus speaks of a young age.
But then McKee gets to Io, one of Jupiter’s moons. A moon which gives off so much heat, it leaves Enceladus looking like a match compared to a bonfire. Volcanos shooting lava at over 300 km/hr and 280 kilometers high. One volcano on Io, named Loki, is more powerful than ALL of earth’s volcanos combined! The entire moon is dotted with volcanos from the incredible heat this moon is putting out.
Do you think this moon could continue to pour out so much heat for millions of years? Of course not, and scientists don’t think so either. Forget billions of years.
Lastly, McKee gets to Titan, a moon of Saturn which has an atmosphere composed primarily of methane – methane so dense it actually condensed and fell like rain, making stream beds and other landscape features. But sunlight breaks down methane, and there is no known source for the huge volumes of methane on Titan. So again we see the admission that there’s indications of the moon’s youth, exactly what the Creationists and many evolutionists have been saying for decades.
McKee sums it all up nicely, in talking about the problems, and the proposed solutions to the problems with a naturalistic model:
And she’s absolutely right – the more likely explanation is that it’s not unusual activity, because there is no deep time. All of these planets and moons are YOUNG, not billions of years old. Evolutionary models have failed to fit the facts, whereas the models of a young creation not only fit the facts well, they have even PREDICTED discoveries that were made.
The evidence backs up what King David wrote 3,000 years ago
The one who adorned Saturn with all its beautiful crystals in rings around the planet, the one who created Io with the specific knowledge that his ultimate creation – us, would construct spacecraft to go and visit moons far, far away, the one who created the massive planet of Jupiter, that Creator is calling out to you today. You’ve been separated from Him by your sins, your disobedience in doing what you knew was wrong, because that Creator had inscribed upon your heart what was right and wrong. Those sins separate you from the Creator, and forbid you from entering into the new heaven and new earth. But that Creator created a body to live in, and to sacrifice in place of you and I, for our sins. He died on the cross because He was the only one who had never sinned and could pay the price for our sins. He is calling out to you today, to make Him the Lord of your life, to turn from your sins, ask Him to forgive you of your sins, and to make you anew – what He called being “born again.” What is your response to His call?
This show sponsored in part by Canada’s first permanent Creation Museum, in the heart of Alberta’s dinosaur beds, the Big Valley Creation Science Museum.
And by Genesis where you can pre-order your own beautiful hard covered copy of the Chronicles of Dinosauria, the history and mystery of dinosaurs and man.
What does the Bible say about aliens? Is there life on other planets? What can science tell us about the possibility of aliens? Ian Juby gives answers to these and many more questions in this fascinating and highly disturbing subject.
Looking analytically at the subject, complete with testimonies of people who claim to have been abducted by aliens. The answers will probably surprise you. In this 1 and a half hour lecture, Ian shows that the alleged “aliens” are a problem, and that Jesus is the solution.
Order on line today at Ian’s bookstore.
[scary, dramatic music]
Wahoo! Mail for me?
[buzzing from inside of box]
[buzzing really loud]
[scary, dramatic music]
In response to our “flood of Evidence” episode, YouTuber AndrewGulick wrote in:
YouTuber TwoCarpets1875 then tried to take AndrewGulick to task, saying:
With respect TwoCarpets, Gulick is right on the money. The dramatically folded rocks we see around the world can only be folded when soft, especially mountains where we are talking literally thousands of feet of rock layers tightly folded in recumbant folds – the layers on the outside have to stretch farther, and rocks are very weak in tensile strength – so they would crack and break. This fact is inadvertantly acknowledged by the attempts of those who believe in deep time who say the rocks were subducted to incredible depths, bent, then exhumed back up to the surface. Now why would they say this? Because they need incredible heating of the rock in order to make it soft and pliable enough to bend it. So by subducting it into the deep parts of the earth where it’s hot, they get the heat they’re looking for. So such geologists have just admitted that the rocks have to be soft in order to bend.
So besides the fact that there is NO KNOWN PROCESS to subduct these rocks to such incredible depths, and certainly no evidence that this has happened. It is strictly an ad-hoc argument. But let’s assume for a second that the rocks were, in fact, subducted underground where the rock got hot enough to become soft: These rocks are typically LIMESTONE, which then turns into MARBLE under extreme heat and pressure – a process called metamorphosis. This did not happen, cause it’s still limestone. Furthermore, these rocks are LOADED with fossils – which get DESTROYED under extreme heat and pressure. No, the rocks were bent when they were cold, and soft. That’s what the evidence shows. Gulick was right on the money.
If you’ll recall, I responded last week to an excellent question from Christina in Alberta who asked how Noah got all the animals from the different continents, and questions like that. She wrote in again
Actually, most of the dog breeds have actually been bred within historical times! My statement about dogs evolving into dogs was a rhetorical statement pointing out that there was no evolution that had gone on. They are still dogs, and they are not different “species” or “kinds” – though there are some who are trying to portray them as different “species.”
Now, that word “Kind” comes from the Bible – Genesis chapter 1, where God repeatedly said He created things to reproduce after their “kind.”
There is a problem in defining both the terms “species” and “kind” – which I kind of alluded to in my response, but I left out due to time. No matter how you define a “species”, there are exceptions. For example; if you define a species as creatures which can produce fertile offspring, what about humans who are sterile? Are they no longer part of the human “species?” And what about bacteria which reproduce asexually? Even evolutionist Ernst Mayr documented some five different definitions for “species” – and there’s been quite a few definitions added since his time! The problem there lay in the fact that an evolutionist may believe in evolution because they saw a new “species” that had arisen. All of a sudden, evolution is phiolosophical, because this person’s interpretation of what they saw has been altered by their particular definition of what a “species” is! If I’ve lost you, don’t worry, that’s the point: It’s a confusing MESS. There is no agreed upon definition of “species.”
With regard to what a “kind” is, there is much discussion within the creation community about it, and they call it bariminology, after the Hebrew word “baramin” which is the word used for “kind.” I’d go with the definition provided for that word in Strong’s concordance:
For instance – we discussed “ring species” in a previous show – the sea gulls which are called “ring species” are both still sea gulls! Because they descended from the same bird, they are the same “kind.” But, because the two gulls no longer interbreed, they are called different “species.” Do you see the difference?
With regards to animals going uphill to avoid a flood, my point was simply that when we observe what happened at the Indonesian tsunami, the animals KNEW there was a flood coming, and did something about it, the people did not. That was all – as I mentioned, the Bible seems to suggest that God brought the animals to Noah.
Oren wrote in from Colorado:
Excellent question Oren, thanks for writing in. The response is about identical to the argument I had with Captain Antaginator over the Laetoli footprints being completely human:
>>Captain, aren’t you excited by this find of completely modern human footprints in 3.7 million year old rock?
>> we know that those are not human footprints, we do not find human fossils in rocks that old.
>> You just did – fossil human footprints.
>> No, those cannot be human footprints.
>> Why not?
>> Because we do not find fossil human footprints in rocks that old.
>> Just did.
>> No, you are a simpleton who does not understand the complexities of paleontology – they cannot be fossil human footprints – humans had not yet evolved at that time.
>> How do you know?
>> Because we only find remains from our ancient, ape-like ancestors in rocks that old.
>> But what about these fossil footprints?
>> They must be from our ancient, ape-like ancestors.
>> But they’re completely modern human footprints, and they don’t match the feet of your “ape-like ancestors.”
>> Only an idiot would believe that. They cannot be human footprints, because the rocks they are in are too old.
>> But they are completely modern human footprints, thus proving that humans were around at that time.
>> “How can you be so stupid and still host a webcast? You know I can give you the number of a doctor who could rent you a good brain for a day. Humans were not around 3.7 million years ago – that’s a scientific fact. WINNING!
>> But these footprints are proof that humans were around at that time.
But I’ll let those who do not believe dinosaurs and humans coexisted speak for themselves: Write in and tell us your response: what is your proof that humans and dinosaurs did NOT coexist? You can send in your comments to us in a number of ways:
That’s a wrap for today, I’m your host Ian Juby signing off for now – thank you for watching and please join us again next Genesis Week. Remember those words of warning from our Creator, the Lord Jesus Christ, who said “I am the way, the truth and the Life – no man comes to the Father but through me” See you on the flip side.
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