Welcome to all of the new subscribers!
This is the “When I get a round tooit” Creation/Evolution newsletter from Ian Juby and CORE Ottawa
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In this special report newsletter showing first-hand research:
1) It’s been a while…
2) New documentary: The Mystery of Noah’s Flood
3) Soft preserved tissues, and even living organisms in the rock record
4) Muh New Book!
1) It’s been a while….
With many apologies for not getting more newsletters out, let’s just say it’s been a rather intense year. 🙂 Genesis Week consumes a considerable amount of time, and is now airing on Miracle Channel four times a week, and was mentioned in their newsletter just this past week. You can catch the show Mondays at 9:30 pm, Tuesdays at 2:30pm, Thursdays (premiere showing of the week) at 7pm and Saturdays at 8:30 pm eastern. If you don’t get Miracle Channel via satellite or cable, you can watch it streaming off their website at www.MiracleChannel.ca
The show was airing Internationally, including right across the United States on TheWalkTV.com, but I have had to temporarily pull the show from TheWalk for the summer, presumably we will be picking the show up again in September.
It has been an odessy producing the show and you can catch all the past episodes on YouTube, as well as several new rants that have been released in the past several months:
As a result of Genesis Week, really all the latest news and information has gone into the shows, including the story down below on soft tissues and yes, even living organisms found in the rock record.
2) New Documentary: The Mystery of Noah’s Flood
Stephen Orsatti, CEO of Christianima Networks (Christian Cinema) and I are excited to announce a new documentary we’ll producing over the summer months. Entitled The Mystery of Noah’s Flood, we’re going to bring eye-popping cinematography and graphics, as well as loads of things you’ll have not seen before. The documentary will weave a bundle of seemingly disconnected rabbit trails into one path that leads us to understanding the mystery of Noah’s flood. We will bring you to the evidence of the flood, via film, so you can see the profound and remarkable evidence that not only screams there has been a world wide flood, it also brings home the sheer scale of the flood!
With stunning cinematography and re-enactments, Hollywood quality graphics and animations, make no mistake about it, we are aiming to compete with the best of the best: PBS, BBC, CBC, History Channel, etc… We will be pitching this documentary to all the major broadcasters as well. But we need your help to accomplish this task. Big productions require big budgets, and although we will be producing this documentary for pocket change (comparitively speaking), we still need a large amount of funds to pull this off. I will be driving literally from the most easternly point of North America, right out to the Rocky Mountains to get the shots I need, while Stephen will be producing the re-enactments with actors and sets.
We’ve also signed on our composer, a highly talented young man, Joshua Kattner. To really raise the bar for Joshua and to give him a test drive, I challenged him by assembling a montage of completely random footage and asked him to make a score for it. This is what he came up with:
Here is Joshua introducing himself and his heart in the project:
And of course, the teaser trailer for the documentary:
There are a number of ways you can help. It is a crowdfunded project, so donations are needed – check out our list of perks. For example, a donation of $35 gets you the supporter DVD edition of the documentary. A $100 donation gets you an autographed blu-ray edition. However, we also need thousands of “likes” and “shares” on facebook, twitter, google plus, etc… So please, share the link to the website with all of your friends. Visit our Indiegogo site today:
3) Soft preserved tissues, and even living organisms in the rock record
![]() Triceratops blood cells, from “Soft sheets of fibrillar bone from a fossil of the supraorbital horn of the dinosaur Triceratops horridus” Armitage & Anderson, Acta Histochemica, |
You’ll recall in previous newsletters (item #2, “Scientists choke on T. rex meat”) our discussion of the numerous discoveries of soft dinosaur tissues and even blood found in dinosaur bones. Now while such a discovery is indeed spectacular, it is hardly the first – nor an isolated case! Reports of preserved dinosaur tissues (such as collagen fibers and blood cells) in dinosaur bones first came out in 1923. (Dinosaur red blood cells found in 1923: R.L. Moodie, Paleopathology, Urbana, Ill., University of Illinois Press, 1923 pg 165,1923) Creationists reported the finding of collagen fibers in T. rex bone back in 2001 (http://www.creationresearch.org/crsq/articles/38/38_2/Trex.htm)
So while it is still another stunning find, the recent publication of the first research results from the Creation Research Society’s iDINO project, should come as no surprise. From the horn of a Triceratops excavated in the Hell Creek formation of Montana, researchers Armitage and Anderson found not only soft tissues, but again, dinosaur blood. The photo shown at the start of this article is an electron microscope photo showing the inside of preserved blood vessels. The miriad of circular disks are, evidently, blood cells….from a Triceratops….
Can you say “living fossil?”
As stunning as these discoveries of blood vessels, blood cells, and dinosaur meat that was even still stretchy (!!!), all of this pales in comparison to the findings of living organisms in rocks alleged by the evolutionary timescale to be many hundreds of millions of years old. We had reported previously on living bacteria found in rocks at incredible depths (and allegedly incredible ages, according to the evolutionary timescale), but multiple reports of living toads and frogs have come to light over the past many years, with the toads and frogs (and living clams) found in gravels and solid rock alleged to be some 400 million years old! These reports were particularly common during the construction of the Erie canal, cut through Ordovician limestones from 1817 to 1825.
For instance, as is written in the 1822 edition of “The American Journal of Science and Arts”:
Notice that this is written before the advent of evolutionary theory and the deep time introduced by Lyell to explain away the evidence left behind by Noah’s flood. Judge for yourself: does finding such living toadsin solid rock support the idea that the rock was laid down as mud during a world-wide flood? Or does it support the idea that the rock is actually over 400 million years old and was the result of long, slow and steady geological processes?
While some may say such stories of living toads and clams found in solid rock or compacted gravels deep underground strain credibility, I would suggest it is the story of deep time which strains credulity. In fact, the scientists of the day were approaching the reports with healthy skepticism, as you can see in another report from the 1829 edition of The American Journal of Science and Arts:
The author then procedes to rule out the possibility of the toad being a modern one which somehow got into the rock.
Some have argued that Dr. Schweitzer’s find of T. rex blood cells were not blood cells at all. While Schweitzer nicely refuted these arguments many moons ago (see our previous newsletter), I think it’s safe to say one thing: If we were to cut open these living toads (found in rocks dated over four times older than the alleged age of T. rex!), I have a sneaky suspicion we would find blood inside of them. Just a hunch – I could be wrong! But I think it would be undeniable that the blood cells found in those toads were, in fact, real blood cells. I also think their soft tissues would be stretchy, just like the T. rex soft tissues. 🙂
The point here of course is that the idea that these rocks (and the living organisms they contain) are hundreds of millions of years old is nothing more than ludicrous. It is powerful evidence that all of these rocks are young. Even claiming these living toads are 4,500 years old (the time of Noah’s flood) is still pretty incredible, but far more believable than the fictitious story that they 400 million years old. Perhaps some of you readers out there living in upstate New York or Southern Ontario (where these limestone layers are found) would be so inspired to keep your eyes open for, or even go looking for, other examples of living organisms in these rocks?
The Bible makes sense of these finds, while evolutionary theory and deep time stands aside, absolutely baffled by the evidence.
You can read the original reports yourself, as they have been kindly provided by multiple sources:
The American Journal of Science and Arts, conducted by Benjamin Silliman, M.D. LL. D., Vol V, January 1822, pg 226
The American Journal of Science and Arts, conducted by Benjamin Silliman, M.D. LL. D., Vol XV, January 1829, pg 247
The American Journal of Science and Arts, conducted by Benjamin Silliman, M.D. LL. D., Vol XIX, January 1831, pg 169
For our “Toad you so” episode of Genesis Week, I posted a reprint of an old Creation Evidence Museum article by geologist John Watson. Sadly, John has left us to go be with the Lord, as I had only begun to get to know him shortly before he died. The man was a wealth of astonishing information. John had written this article to simply detail the implications of the toads found in Ordovician rocks. You can read his report here: “Tombed Torpid Toads Tell Tellurian Truth”.
4) Mah New Book
If you are even remotely involved in online ministry, you probably want to get my book. “The Vagabond’s Guide to Successful (but makin’em cheap!) YouTube Production While Living in your Van” is devoted specifically to video production and maximizing YouTube, and while it is secular in nature, I share my considerable experience in using YouTube as an avenue for ministry. The successes, the failures, what works and what doesn’t. And because it’s all intended to be done “on the cheap,” it has great appeal for those in ministry who never have any mmoney to throw at the
project. 🙂
There are numerous free video tutorials available on the website for
the book: LivingInYourVan.com, and
you can also read the first chapter for free here:
For those classic book lovers, you can get the book
in paperback by following this link.
If you’re a techno geek with their Kindle,
you can get a Kindle copy by
clicking here.
or straight from Amazon.
Or if your digital book reader uses the EPUB files, you can click here to get
that version as well.
Or if you so wish, you can get the full-colour
PDF version here.