by Ian Juby | Mar 22, 2013 | Creation Science Newsletter
Here is the full transcript:
More high arctic fossil finds speak of the youth of the fossils, and we dive into an extended play mailbag, responding to a boatload of viewer comments and questions. This, is Genesis Week.
Welcome! To this episode of Genesis Week, the weekly program of creationary commentary on news, views and events pertaining to the origins controversy, made possible by the supporters of CORE Ottawa, Citizens for Origins Research and Education, and of course, carried on the Christianima network – – Christian cinema at its finest. Excellence in pirate broadcasting, we continue to bring you the information the anticreationists don’t want you to see or hear, and giving glory to our Creator while doing it. The Bible does not say “Be ye transformed by the removal of your mind,” rather we here at Genesis Week believe your brain was intelligently designed, and God wants you to use it. Remember if you get lost in cyberspace, you can just punch in or and you can find us, and also subscribe to our youtube channel to get extras like CrEvo rants and full interviews with our guests. I’m your host, Ian Juby
I had a PILE of viewers write in about a fun fossil find from the Canadian High Arctic. The Canadian Museum of Nature launched an expedition to Ellesmere Island, where they found a fossil CAMEL. Not just any camel, but a giant camel – some 30% larger than modern camels, or probably around 10 feet tall. While this may be surprising to many people, it’s not surprising to you, because you watch this show and we’ve discussed it all before on this show! Gigantic animals in the fossil record is common, and in fact my good buddy Joe Taylor excavated a fossil camel in west Texas that he estimated was about 19 feet tall. (more…)
by Ian Juby | Mar 15, 2013 | Creation Science Newsletter
Full transcript:
We continue to venture into the dark side of Darwinism in this part 2 special edition of Genesis Week.
Welcome to this week’s show, I’m your host, Ian Juby. This week’s episode is part II of a special series investigating the dark side of Darwinism. We are taking a radical departure from our standard show today, picking up where we left off last week, as we have a lot to cover. I am honoured to have three guests join me again for our panel discussion:
Joseph Vaillancourt is a licensed minister with the Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada, a developmental service worker working with Christian Horizons, and the founder of enABLE Faith Ministries in Toronto, a ministry reaching out to those of the disabled community to foster their involvement within the Christian community and in ministry. He joins me via skype from Toronto.
Dr. Jerry Bergman has 9 degrees in everything from biology to psychology, two of those degrees are a Phd. He is the author of the book “The Dark Side of Darwin,” and is himself a former atheist now turned young earth creationist and Christian. He has taught multiple disciplines at the college level and joins me by telephone from Ohio.
Paul Gosselin is an independent researcher specializing in ideologies,
belief systems and religion and holds a Masters degree in Social Anthropology. He is author of the two volume series with the title that I just love – “Flight from the Absolute.” He joins us via skype from Quebec City.
If you’ll recall last week, we were talking about Eugenics – the idea that we can direct our own evolution. A deliberate removal of the “less fit” from society, and the preservation of the “more fit.”
Even today – One subtle form of “disguised” modern day eugenics – Joseph, you work with people who have down’s syndrome for example, which provides a classic, modern day example of Eugenics – how many expecting couples have had those dreaded test results come back saying their unborn baby has down’s syndrome? And then the doctors pressure them to abort the child. Abortion, eugenics and evolution are holding each other’s hand.
And then how many of those couples say “no” only to give birth to a perfectly healthy child who did NOT have down’s syndrome even. So what of those who are born with disabilities like downs syndrome – aren’t they just a burden to society? Why is it wrong to remove them from society? (more…)
by Ian Juby | Mar 8, 2013 | Creation Science Newsletter
We’re going to take a walk to the disturbing dark side of Darwin in this special edition of Genesis Week.
Welcome to this episode of Genesis Week, the weekly program of creationary commentary on news, views and events pertaining to the origins controversy, made possible by the supporters of CORE Ottawa, Citizens for Origins Research and Education, and now carried on the Christianima network – – Christian cinema at its finest. Excellence in pirate broadcasting, we continue to bring you the information the anticreationists don’t want you to see or hear, and giving glory to our Creator while doing it. We believe God gave you an intelligently designed brain in order for you to use it. Remember if you get lost in cyberspace, you can just punch in or and you can find us, and also subscribe to our youtube channel to get extras like CrEvo rants and full interviews with our guests. I’m your host, Ian Juby
We are going to depart from our standard show format today, in fact we will depart from our standard format for two special episodes. We are going to venture into areas which I know that my evolutionary friends do not like to venture into. To be honest, I do not like to discuss the things we are about the discuss either! But it is sadly important.
The anti creationists will vehemently try to deny the connections we are about to reveal, and in fact, they will attempt to twist around these dark issues in a convoluted attempt to blame the Christians and Creationists.
We are going to visit the dark side of Darwinism. We will reveal and examine the negative impact this theory has on everything from social issues, to proper medical and scientific research.
I want to be very clear to evolutionary friends: I am not saying that believing in evolution makes one evil. On the contrary, it is the human heart which is inherently evil, not a person’s particular worldview. There have been many attrocities carried out in the name of Christ for example. That has nothing to do with whether or not the Christian faith is righteous or correct. People will use any excuse at hand to justify wicked deeds.
But as Richard Weaver once said, “Ideas have consequences.” So just what are the consequences of Darwin’s idea? What are the consequences of Creationary and Christian ideas?
If a person goes on a shooting rampage, and claims that Jesus Christ told them to do it, they would find difficulty justifying their claim, seeing as how Christ certainly did not lead with
such an example, and Jesus even taught to “turn the other cheek” when someone strikes you. However, if evolution and survival of the fittest is true, then such a person can easily justify their actions – after all, it is only “survival of the fittest.” We are only animals – and whether or not an animal uses tooth and claw to kill another animal, or if that animal uses a gun to kill, what difference does it make? Within the Darwinian paradigm, how is mass murder then wrong? Your worldview has consequences. The truth about creation or evolution has consequences. (more…)
by Ian Juby | Mar 1, 2013 | Creation Science Newsletter
And here’s the transcript and references for this episode:
A ridiculous amount of preserved soft tissues in fossils demonstrates the earth is young. And we address lots of viewer questions in a mailbag that required a lot of extra postage stamps – this, is Genesis Week.
[music] (more…)
by Ian Juby | Mar 1, 2013 | Creation Science Newsletter
This is an article written by the late geologist, John Watson. John was a longtime friend of Creation Evidence Museum and I’m very sad to say that it was only a year and a half before his death that I had the privilege of meeting him. The man was an incredible wealth of information, as can be seen in his article below. This article is reprinted here with the permission of Creation Evidence Museum. I don’t know the date on this article, I believe it was the early 90’s. I think I got all the OCR errors worked out, but there might be a few scattered errors here and there. Enjoy!
Research associated with Creation Evidences
Museum & Archaeological Excavations FM 205 at Paluxy River Bridge ‘ P.O.Box 309, Glen Rose,Texas 76043
No. 4
Tombed Torpid Toads Tell Tellurian Truth
Toads and clams, entombed alive at depth in “ancient” stone, yet continuing to live therein to recent times in a torpid state, contribute to our understanding of genuine geologic history.
Live toads in a torpid state (a kind of deep hibernation), entombed in absolute isolation at considerable depth in clay, “secondary” limestone and sandstone,(now classified by secular geology as Silurian and Ordivician) were dug from the Erie Canal during its construction and from wells and basements in the environs. Similarly, live clams were dug from another 42 ft. deep canal site in hard, compact “diluvial”
deposits. All these are reasonably accounted for by the young earth, cataclysmic creation model with its Noahic Flood-induced collapse of the ice canopy which abruptly lowered general environmental temperatures by several degrees in these latitudes. Without this cooling and rapid cataclysmic burial to considerable depth, the toads and clams would have suffocated, died, and decayed. To induce torpor and thus maintain a “spark of life”, temperatures below 50 deg. F must be present and be maintained.
The live toad’s burial chamber (evidently a mold of the toad’s body without evidence of any squeeze) also required rapid hardening of the entombing sediments into stone capable of supporting its own and resultant overlying weight of the sediments. Furthermore, to avert dangerous squeeze by hydraulic pressure at those depths, the hardened stone must have had little or no permeability-which in turn correlates with the isolation of the toads and clams within the stone. Therefore, the evidence dictates that stow, gradual accumulation of sediments in burial (viz. uniformitarian theory with its vast age of the earth) is untenable and cannot account for this occurrence that was so commonplace and which attracted so much attention from scientists and laymen alike.
John A. Watson received a Bachelor of Science degree in Geology from the university of Texas at Austin. Employed as a federally-classified hydrologist with the U.S. Gealogical Survey for ten years and with the State . of Texas for 22 years.
The construction of the Erie Canal, spanning New York State east to west, was begun in 1793 and completed in two stages by 1825. It is 150 feet wide and averages 12 feet deep. It extends from the Hudson River at Waterford, New York westward to Tonawanda, New York on Lake Erie. The terrain through which the canal was dug contains ridges of hard compact gravel. Many segments are solid stone that required blasting to excavate the canal bed. Exposure of toads in a torpid state became a common occurrence’ during the canal’s excavation. Reports of the same kind of occurrence were received from Europe2.
The U.S.Geological Survey map of the United States, east half, depicts the route of the Erie Canal as being entirely in Silurian (in the majority) and Ordivician bedrock, together averaging an alleged 430 million years in age. Entombed toads and clams surviving a torpid state for such an enormous evolutionary interval is highly improbable. Furthermore, the toad, an amphibian, is not considered to have appeared by evolutionary means until the Lower Oligocene’. Thus, it wouldn’t have been around to be entombed in stone in Ordivician and Silurian times. (more…)