by Ian Juby | Nov 10, 2012 | Creation Science Newsletter

Welcome to all of the new subscribers!
This is the “When I get a round tooit” Creation/Evolution newsletter from Ian Juby and CORE Ottawa
If you do not see a header image above this text, you may have to turn on images in your email program, or you can click here to view it in your browser (
If you’re really confused as to why on earth you’re getting this newsletter, you may have forgotten you signed up for it at one of Ian’s lectures, or you got it due to an error in the cyberspace post office, or a friend forwarded it to you, or some other reason that isn’t my fault. See removal instructions at the bottom of the newsletter.
In this special report newsletter showing first-hand research:
1) Creation Exhibition in Nova Scotia & Cornwall, Ontario
2) Now the Dinosaurs killed themselves! ….by farting too much…
3) Special report #2: The strange fossil footprints of Horton Bluff, Nova Scotia
4) Upcoming events

1) Creation Exhibition in Nova Scotia & Cornwall, Ontario
After a week on special exhbition in Cole Harbour Place, I had soooo many requests to either stick around for another week, or come back. We aims to please! The kind folks over at Eastern Passage Baptist Church offered their facilities to set up the museum again for another week.
The church is at the corner of Caldwell and Cow Bay road, and we’ll be open from Monday, May 14th thru Saturday, May 19th:
Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday: Noon till 9pm
Tuesday: 10 am till 6 pm
Saturday: 9 am till 5pm
Admission is $4/adults, $3 for students and seniors, $2 for kids under 10 and $12/family. Group rates are $2/ person for groups of 10 or over and if you book in advance, you can get a guided tour.
Cornwall, Ontario, June 23rd thru 30th – Grand Opening of Creation Science Center!
Creation Exhibition will be set up as a special exhibition with the grand opening of the new Creation Museum in Cornwall, the Creation Science Center. Hours TBA, admission: Free on Saturday the 23rd! That’s right, free admission to celebrate the grand opening! (there may be an admission cost throughout the week – details to be announced)
The Creation Science Center is housed in the east wing of the Cornwall Wesleyen Church at 780 Sydney Street.
by Ian Juby | Nov 9, 2012 | Creation Science Newsletter
For this week’s episode, we respond to the skeptics and atheists:
We dive into our mailbag to respond to questions
about zinc isotopes, clams, the receding moon, and
more. We spend the entire show this week answering
the detractors in this special edition of Genesis Week
Welcome to this episode of Genesis Week – the weekly
program of creationary commentary on news, views
and events pertaining to the origins controversy.
We’re gonna answer questions, and question answers!
Proudly brought to you by the supporters of CORE
Ottawa, Citizens for Origins Research and Education,
and now carried on the Christianima network –
Christian Cinema at its finest. Some of the finest
pirate broadcasting you’ll see, transmitting from
Verna’s truck stop, we continue to bring you the
information the anticreationists don’t want you to
see or hear, and we continue to give glory to the
Creator while doing it. Remember you can find us
in cyberspace at (that’s me) or, and you can subscribe to my youtube
channel and get extras like CrEvo Rants and full
interviews with our guests. I’m your host, Ian Juby.
oooooooooo Wait, wait, wait – I had the “O” key
stick on my keyboard this week while scripting this
show. I got a new keyboard but apparently some of
the original script wound up in the teleprompter
files. And Joe, our dyslexic teleprompter operator
doesn’t seem to have a problem with it either. And
as you can see, adding letters did not increase the
information in the script.
I had a PILE of feedback, emails, and youtube
comments sent to me the past two weeks from various
atheists, critics, or people who genuinely believe
they have evidence of evolution or an old earth.
Several were excellent points or questions brought
up, and many of them overlapped, so I thought I
would take a lot of time to address several of them,
so let’s dive right into the mailbag! (more…)
by Ian Juby | Nov 2, 2012 | Creation Science Newsletter
In this episode: Calibrating Carbon 14 dating using varves and ice cores, more dinosaur cells indicating recent dinosaurs, feathered dinosaurs and a new rant.
by Ian Juby | Sep 10, 2012 | Creation Science Newsletter
Welcome to all of the new subscribers!
This is the “When I get a round tooit” Creation/Evolution newsletter from Ian Juby and CORE Ottawa
If you do not see a header image above this text, you may have to turn on images in your email program, or you can click here to view it in your browser (
If you’re really confused as to why on earth you’re getting this newsletter, you may have forgotten you signed up for it at one of Ian’s lectures, or you got it due to an error in the cyberspace post office, or a friend forwarded it to you, or some other reason that isn’t my fault. See removal instructions at the bottom of the newsletter.
In this incredibly short newsletter, we only have two items to report:
1) Genesis Week now on the Miracle Channel!
2) New CrEvo Rant
That’s it!

1) Genesis Week now on the Miracle Channel!
It has been an intense few months on the road, on tour – while simultaneously trying to go through all the hoops of getting Genesis Week on the air! Yup – the premiere showing is this Thursday, September 13th, 7 pm eastern time on the Miracle Channel! (Hint: Tune in early and keep a close eye on the commercials before the show – the show will start when you least expect it. 🙂
Genesis Week will air every Thursday at 7pm eastern, funded in part by CORE Ottawa. The shows will still be uploaded to my YouTube channel as well, but not until Friday after the show has aired in Canada. Check the Miracle Channel website for channel listings, or if you’re in the US or somewhere where you can’t get Miracle channel, you can watch it streaming live off their website as well:
And of course you can keep up on my YouTube channel.
2) New CrEvo Rant
All famous people have a sex video, I figured I needed one too, so here it is:
Ian’s sex video – CrEvo Rant #13
Rated PG-13 for adult content, really bad jokes and puns, and naked animals. In this rant I ask the question “Can evolution produce sexual reproduction?” Short answer: Nope. I go into details about what’s needed for the evolution of reproduction systems, why natural selection would stop any such evolution, and other reasons why such evolution would be impossible..
That’s it! No, really – that’s it! For now. Stay tuned, I’ll be working to get more newsletters out here shortly.
You can support this ministry and get a tax-deductible receipt by mailing a donation (checks made out to CORE Ottawa) to CORE Ottawa, Kanata North Post Office Box 72075, Ottawa, ON. Canada, K2K 2P4 And thank you to those who support both prayerfully and financially. You can also make a direct donation (but not get a tax-deductible receipt) by donating here.
Subscribing and Unsubscribing:
If you received this email from a friend,and would like to subscribe yourself,click hereand enter your email address into the “CSMC” subscribe box. May I also suggest you sign up for the free “In 7 Days” crash course in creation.
If you are forwarding this email to friends,I’d suggest you strip off the unsubscribe link at the bottom here – otherwise someone else will unsubscribe YOU. And thank you for sharing this newsletter! It always pleases me to hear that a reader finds my humble writings worthy to be passed on to a friend of theirs.