December 1 CrEvo news
Welcome to all of the new subscribers!
This is the “When I get a round tooit” Creation/Evolution newsletter from Ian Juby and the traveling Creation Science Museum of Canada.
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In this newsletter:
1) Ross’s claims on paluxy tracks and polystrate fossils
2) Doug’s excellent question
3) Save big on coffee-cup coasters for your atheist friends – a great X-mas gift!
4) Clearly the Bible is wrong…
5) Quick update on the creation museum project
Had a reader write in, asking about a video circulating on the internet. The video is by “progressive creationist” (read: theistic evolutionist with a fancy new name) Hugh Ross, and was a segment of the Q&A session on one of his videos.
Now, I gotta be honest with yas here: Much as I would like to be respectful, it is exceedingly difficult in this case. If I may make an analogy, it’s like trying to respectfully disagree with someone who claimed that a bunny rabbit ate a moose whole. How do you refute such a person without using the words that come to mind? Y’know – words like “lunatic,” “out of his tree,” and “you gotta be joking!”
Such is the case with Ross’s claims in this video segment, which you can watch on their website so you can hear it straight from the horse’s mouth:
or on youtube:
The Paluxy Tracks:
Ross starts off by addressing the fossil human footprints found amongst dinosaur tracks in the Paluxy riverbed, Glen Rose, Texas. Of course, this happens to be one of my areas of expertise. Now in defense of Ross, he simply repeated the mantra that has been running around the internet, the “research” of Glen Kuban. You’ll see shortly why I have “research” in quotes.