Alrighty then! Thanks for visitating the website – lots of new stuff here now.
It’s 12:30 in the morning on Wednesday, and I just finished adding the “In 7 Days” crash course in creation. This is a completely free, seven-part online course which is intended to be an introduction to the evidence and philosphies of the Creation/Evolution debate.
You can sign up on the main page, or, for your convenience, here’s a link:
Of course if you’re reading these archives then you also know I have a newsletter – which I send out once in a blue moon, whenever I can. There are priviledges to being a subscriber, the biggest one being that you can participate in, and have a chance to win at, the give-aways. The newsletters are not posted here to the blog and archives until after the prizes have been claimed.
In fact, there’s some more *big* news coming out shortly relating to the Delk track – you’ll want to sign up right away.
You can sign up for the newsletter on the main page, or for your convenience, here’s a sign-up box:
The website overhaul is now essentially finished, you should probably expect some minor dead links here and there – please drop me a line if you find any.
All the “Complete Creation” videos are available on line and viewable via my website:
I’ll have the museum displays set up and I’ll be speaking at the Deep River Pentecostal church next weekend, September 28, and then in Madoc, Ontario on October 5th at the Pentecostal church there. For both events, I’ll be speaking at the morning and evening services.
Don’t forget – you can sign up for the RSS feed for this blog waaaay down at the bottom of the page!
Thanks for visiting – please come back soon!