Hi everyone,
My apologies for sending out another email so soon, but I missed a major item
in the newsletter, and after getting a lot of questions about the Delk track,
I thought I would write a brief clarification.
My Dad got shipped to Ottawa hospital via ambulance again today. They do not
know what’s going on, thank you to those of you who have been praying for him.
His white blood cell count was up, his hemoglobin count down, and his liver
and kidneys were not functioning properly, and they don’t know why.
He’s very sad as this has been going on now for over a year and a half and has
been very hard on the whole family – so thank you for your prayers.
Apparently I’m going to be on TV:
Dr. Carl Baugh’s “Creation in the 21st Century” airs every Tuesday at 7 pm
eastern on Trinity Broadcasting Network, literally around the globe. For
those Canadians who can’t get it, you can tune in via the internet at www.tbn.org
I will be the guest on next Tuesday, July 16, assuming the show is not pre-empted.
Several people wrote in, asking about the Delk track, and namely, the CT scan.
I didn’t clearly explain what you were looking at: You are looking at a 1.2
milimeter thick layer inside the rock. The black areas with the tracks are
black because we are scanning within the tracks; there is no rock there. The
white areas surrounding the black areas are the displaced mud around the
tracks. The white area in the arch of the human footprint is very dense rock
which was made more dense than the host rock by both the compression from the
human foot, as well as the displaced mud from the middle dinosaur toe.
Hopefully that clarifies things a little!
Part 9 of the “Complete Creation” series is now available on youtube and
godtube, and I hope to have a four-DVD deal available for ordering on the
www.genesisweek.com website later on this week, before I head to Alberta.
If you watch it, please rate and comment!
God bless,